Do you wish to apply for Permanent Account Number? You can apply for your Permanent Account Number through Internet. There are two ways to apply for your permanent account number. You can use the NSDL portal or you can use UTITS L portal. If you require your Permanent Account number to be delivered to your address in India, your application fees will be Rupees. 107. In case you wish that the Permanent Account number is delivered to you at any other location outside India, your application fees will be Rupees. 994. You can pay Application fees using your credit card as well as your debit card. You can also use net banking facility to pay your application fees. Demand drafts are also accepted. You will have to make an application online and pay the application fees. Once application is made and fees are paid, you will have to send supporting documents through courier to NSDL or UTITSL depending on the portal where you made your application. You can also send the supporting documents using India Postal Service. NSDL and UTITSL will process your application only after they receive the supporting documents.