You can definitely extend your time to file IRS return. There are three ways to request automatic extension of time to file your US individual return. First, you can pay all or part of your estimated tax due and you can indicate that the payment if for an extension using Direct Pay option, Electronic federal tax payment system or a credit or debit card. Second you may e-file Form 4868 which is an application for automatic extension of time to file us individual tax return. Third can even file a paper form 4868 and enclose the payment of your estimate tax due. Remember request for extension must be made before the regular due date of your return and extension of time to file is not an extension of time to pay tax you owe. If you are out of country you can check box no 8 in Form 4868 to receive additional 4 months of extension too. In all you can get an extension of 6 months to file IRS return.